Studio Footnotes

Pilates, movement & body awareness





I first looked into Pilates to relieve back pain. After the first few sessions, the pain was gone completely. Haruka's approach is quite collaborative and, as she guided me to explore different movements, I learned so much about my body. I leave each session feeling like I've had a great workout. Mentally, too, because each session involves a lot of concentration, so it's great to make that mind-body connection in such a supported and educational way.

(Ivan V.)

I decided to try Pilates for rehabilitation and for reducing the side effects I was experiencing after a neck dissection. For example, I was unable to lift my right arm higher than the shoulder due to a nerve damage after the surgery. However, much to my surprise, after my second session with Haruka, the range of the arm movement was significantly improved. As I continue to practise with Haruka, also thanks to her elaborate explanation on biomechanics, I've progressively rediscovered forgotten body parts and their connection to the rest of the body. These unexpected discoveries have become something I look forward to at every session. Not only the shoulder mobility (which was my initial goal), but also my posture and ways of moving have improved greatly. By understanding the mechanisms that initiate and inhibit body movements, even an un-athletic person like myself can achieve efficient and adaptable movement with a minimum amount of exercise. I prefer this way rather than mindlessly training the body. I recommend Haruka's sessions to anyone with an interest in an intellectual approach to the body and movement.

(Yuri S.)

What I like the most about Pilates is how it improved my body awareness. I learned how to control my body in new ways, and in particular to move more efficiently and effortlessly. That resulted in a better body stance, more efficient basic movements (like walking) and advanced ones (it improved my swimming and running techniques), and also relieved my chronic back pain. All this is thanks to my sessions with Haruka, who made me feel very comfortable since the beginning. She has a very easygoing approach, and makes every movement easy to follow and to understand. I would definitely recommend her sessions to anyone interested in improving their physical condition, mind-body balance and self-confidence.

(Antonio M.)

I am a yoga teacher and an educator for yoga teachers' training programmes. I've enjoyed having Pilates sessions with Haruka because she respects my interests, feelings, sensations, and opinions. She gives me space for exploring my own experience. Each time, I discover new bodily sensations that had been forgotten and I gain a new perspective on my yoga practice, enriching it. As a bodywork professional, I must study anatomy and physiology. But it is not until I experience a gradual shift in my own body and perspective that I can truly assimilate and embody such knowledge. Thus, I value someone with the expertise and the ability to attentively see and listen to the body, who can share incisive opinions, and offer me an alternative perspective of body movement.

(Mai F.)


Studio Footnotes offers fully personalised one-to-one Pilates sessions using a comprehensive range of Pilates equipment, as well as Mat Pilates sessions in small groups at Studio Footnotes. Additionally, workshops are also held regularly. For a schedule of upcoming group & workshop sessions, please see the Events Calendar. Sessions are available in English and Japanese. For inquiries and bookings, please contact h[at]

60 min

8800JPY (tax incl.) A fully tailored individual session using a comprehensive range of Pilates equipment.

60 min

6600JPY (tax incl.) A fully tailored individual remote Mat Pilates session via video conferencing.

60 min

Please inquire Small group classes for all levels, in-person or online. Please visit the Events Calendar.

90/120 min

Please inquire Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Please visit the Events Calendar.

Events Calendar

Showing all the upcoming group and workshop sessions. To view information about an event of interest, please select it. To register for an event please click on the link in the Registration field of the pop up information. Please contact h[at] should you have any further question.



Haruka Saito

Haruka is a qualified Pilates practitioner, trained in the UK and based in Tokyo and Kanagawa. She has practiced body movement across a diverse range of disciplines, including Pilates, Yoga, Feldenkrais Method, Alexander Technique and Butoh in London for 6 years before coming back to Japan. Thus, she has a wide horizon in regards to approaches, perspectives and solutions to body-mind balancing. Haruka favours a holistic approach, with body and mind as integral and complementary elements of her framework. She places practical experience at the centre of her ethos, both at a professional and personal level. Haruka incorporates feedback from her clients, as this might allow for a more creative process to unfold. Haruka founded Studio Footnotes in Tokyo in 2019 to build a community that promotes well-being and awareness through body movement. Besides teaching regular sessions, she also organises themed classes and workshops with other Pilates and body movement practitioners. Haruka continues to endeavour to create a safe space for everyone at Studio Footnotes, for exploring and experiencing the body's intelligence and transformative potential. In doing so, she also encourages clients and practitioners to nurture a sense of being grounded, embodied, spacious and present.

Qualifications: Polestar Pilates® Comprehensive Practitioner, Body Control Pilates Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates TTC, Sivananda Yoga TTC

Frequently Asked Questions


During your first session, a practitioner will ask you about your health and fitness history, observe your posture, how you move and discuss your goals, as they also introduce you with some Pilates-based movements. This will ensure safe and effective sessions for you.

初回のセッションでは、実際に動き始める前にプラクティショナーが怪我歴・運動歴・ピラティスで改善したいと思う点などをお聞きします。 そして基礎的なピラティスの動きを行いながら、プラクティショナーが姿勢や動き方を観察し、セッションの方向性や頻度、目標について話し合います。 これにより、より安全で効果的なセッションが保証されます。

Pilates is great for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels. There are a wide range of exercises with countless numbers of variations, and most exercises have modifications to make them easier or harder, suitable for all bodies.

ピラティスは、あらゆる年齢、体型、サイズ、フィットネスレベルの方に最適です。 豊富なエクササイズレパートリーと数えきれないバリエーションがあり、モディフィケーションを加えることで簡単にしたり難しくしたり、 様々な身体の状態や目的に合わせることができます。

Please come with/bring light comfortable clothing (preferably a form-fitting clothing. A baggy/loose-clothing may prevent the practitioner from observing your form) and a bottle of water. Toe separator socks with grips on the bottom (such as ToeSox) are good to have. They prevent slipping and sliding and provide traction while using the machines. There is a bathroom and a space where you can change.

動きやすい格好と飲み水をお持ちください。体の動きを見る為、あまりバギーなシルエットではないものが理想です。 内履は必要ありません。靴下を履かれる場合は、ToeSoxのような5本指に分かれていて底に滑り止めが付いたものをご用意ください。 スタジオ内に着替える場所はあります。

We usually recommend at least once a week. However, continuity is more important than frequency. We can find together the optimal solution to meet your time and financial constraints.

基本は週1回以上をお勧めしますが、長期的な効果を得るには頻度よりも継続を重視しているので、 時間やお金の制約も含めて無理なく続けていけるペースで行っていきましょう。

There is no need to bring your own mat. We have plenty of mats and equipment and sanitise everything after every use.

ご自身のマットをご持参いただく必要はございません。 私たちはたくさんのマットと備品を持っており、使用するたびにすべてを消毒しています。

Small group sessions and workshops are advertised in the Events Calendar. There, you can select the event you desire and register, following the instructions provided.

小グループセッションとワークショップは、イベントカレンダーページで宣伝されています. そこで、表示される指示に従って、希望するイベントを選択して登録できます。

Studio Footnotes accepts accepts credit and debit cards including: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club,Discover. If you attending in-person, you can also pay by cash. Please have the exact amount ready because I don't carry change.

スタジオフットノーツでは、クレジットカード・デビットカード (Visa、Mastercard、American Express、JCB、Diners Club、Discover) あるいは現金でのお支払いが可能です。 現金の場合はできるだけお釣りの要らないようご協力ください。

Studio Footnotes has a 24 hour cancellation policy for private sessions.




Studio Footnotes

スタジオ フットノーツ

  • Location:
    〒‍154-0012 4-Chome
    Komazawa, Setagaya
    Tokyo, JAPAN
  • 場所:
    東京都世田谷区駒沢 4丁目